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This provides an overview of the BPCells compressed and uncompressed matrix formats as they stand as of April 2023. While BPCells is pre-1.0 these formats may be updated, though with a goal of maintaining backwards read-compatibility across updates.

Matrix Logical Storage Layout

For data storage, we use a storage abstraction of named data arrays, stored as e.g. a single group hdf5 or a directory of files. The matrix format is a compressed sparse column/row (CSC/CSR) format with the following data arrays:

Name Type Length
val uint32/float32/float64 # non-zeros
index uint32 # non-zeros
idxptr uint64 # cols + 1
shape uint32 2
row_names string 0 or #rows
col_names string 0 or #cols
storage_order string 1

The interpretation of each array is as follows:

  • val - Values of non-zero entries in increasing order of (column, row) position of the non-zero value.
  • index - index[i] provides the 0-based row index for the value found in val[i] (or column index for row-major storage order)
  • idxptr - The indexes in idx and val for the entries in column j can be found from idxptr[j] to idxptr[j+1] - 1 , inclusive. (or row j for row-major storage order)
  • shape - number of rows in matrix, followed by number of columns
  • row_names - Names for each row of the matrix (optional)
  • col_names - Names for each column of the matrix (optional)
  • storage_order- col for compressed-sparse-column, or row for compressed-sparse-row

Bitpacked compressed matrices consist of the following modifications:

  • val: For unsigned 32-bit integers, we replace val with val_data, val_idx, and val_idx_offsets corresponding to a BP-128m1 encoding as described below. The total number of values is already stored as the last value in idxptr. For 32-bit and 64-bit floats val remains unchanged.
  • index: We replace the index array with a BP-128d1z encoded data in arrays index_data, index_idx, index_idx_offsets, and index_starts

Each matrix is stored as a single directory, HDF5 group, or R S4 object. The storage format for each matrix is encoded as a version string. The current version string is of the format [compression]-[datatype]-matrix-v2, where [compression] can be either packed or unpacked, and [datatype] can be one of uint, float, and double corresponding to 32-bit unsigned integer, 32-bit float, and 64-bit double respectively. In v1 formats, the only difference is that idxptr had type uint32.

Bitpacking formats

Our bitpacked formats are based on the formats described in a paper by Lemire and Boytsov.


The vanilla BP-128 format is stored in 3 arrays as follows:

  • data - stream of bitpacked data, represented as 32-bit integers with the interleaved bit layout as shown in Lemire and Boytsov figure 6. A chunk of 128 32-bit input integers with BB bits per integer will be stored using 4B4B 32-bit integers holding the bitpacked data.
  • idx - list of 32-bit integers, where the encoded data for integers index 128*i to 128*i + 127 can be found in data from index idx[i] to index idx[i+1]-1. For lists with 2322^{32} (4 billion) entries or greater, idx stores the index modulo 2322^{32}
  • idx_offsets - list of 64-bit integers, where the values of idx with indices from idx_offsets[i] to idx_offsets[i+1]-1 should have i*(2^32) added to them.


This is the same as BP-128, but with 1 subtracted from each value prior to compression


Equivalent to the BP-128* algorithm from Lemire and Boytsov where integers are difference encoded prior to bitpacking. This is best for lists of sorted integers.

  • data - Encoding as with vanilla BP-128, but we do difference encoding prior to bitpacking: x0=0x_{0}^{\prime}=0, x1=x1x0x_{1}^{\prime}=x_{1}-x_{0}, x2=x2x1x_{2}^{\prime}=x_{2}-x_{1}, …, x127=x127x126x_{127}^{\prime}=x_{127}-x_{126}
  • idx, idx_offsets - identical to BP-128
  • starts - list of 32-bit integers, where starts[i] is the decoded value for the integer at index 128*i


Similar to BP128d1 but with zigzag encoding applied after difference encoding. This is best for lists of close but not fully sorted runs of integers.

  • data - Encoding as with BP-128d1, but between difference encoding and bitpacking, the results are zigzag encoded, where zigzag(x)=2xzigzag(x)=2x if x0x\geq0, and zigzag(x)=2x1zigzag(x)=-2x-1 if x<0x<0.
  • idx, idx_offsets - identical to BP-128
  • starts - identical to BP128-d1

The core bitpacking code can be found in src/bitpacking/bp128.cpp in the github repository.

Physical storage layout

The abstraction of named data arrays can be realized by a few different formats. The three currently supported by BPCells are:

Directory of files format:

An array of numbers is stored as a single file with an 8-byte header, followed by the data values in little-endian binary format. Unsigned integers are encoded according to standard little-endian representation, and 32-bit and 64-bit floating point numbers as IEEE-754 format. Header values are 8-byte ASCII text as follows: unsigned 32-bit integer UINT32v1, unsigned 64-bit integer UINT64v1, 32-bit float FLOATSv1, 64-bit float DOUBLEv1. Arrays of strings are stored as ASCII text with one array value per line with no header. The version string is stored as a file named version containing the version string followed by a newline.

Hdf5 file format:

Arrays of numbers are stored as HDF5 datasets using the built-in HDF5 encoding format. Arrays of strings are stored as HDF5 variable length string datasets.

The version string is stored as a version attribute on the HDF5 group

R object format:

Strings are stored as native R character arrays. Unsigned integers and 32-bit floats are stored in native R integer arrays by bitcasting the R signed integers into the required data types. 64-bit floats are stored in native R numeric arrays. 64-bit integers are stored as doubles in R numeric arrays. This reduces the highest representable value from 26412^{64}-1 to 25312^{53}-1 (about 9 quadrillion), which we do not expect to pose practical problems. Named collections of arrays are stored in R lists (when writing) or S4 objects (when reading). The version string is stored as a string vector named version of length 1.