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Operating Principles

Two key principles to understand about using BPCells is that all operations are streaming and lazy.

Streaming means that only a minimal amount of data is stored in memory while a computation is happening. There is almost no memory used storing intermediate results. Hence, we can compute operations on large matrices without ever loading them fully into memory.

Lazy means that no real work is performed on matrix or fragment objects until the result needs to be returned as an R object or written to disk. This helps support the streaming computation, since otherwise we would be forced to compute intermediate results and use additional memory.

Basic usage

We begin with a basic example of loading ATAC fragments from a 10x fragments file, reading a peak set from a bed file, then calculating a cell x peak matrix.


# File reading is lazy, so this is instantaneous
fragments <- open_fragments_10x("atac_fragments.tsv.gz")

# This is when we actually read the file, should take 1-2 minutes to scan
# since we bottleneck on gzip decompression.
packed_fragments <- write_fragments_dir(fragments, "pbmc-3k-fragments")

The bitpacked compressed fragment file is about half the size of the 10x file, and much faster to read.

# Later, we can re-open these fragments
packed_fragments <- open_fragments_dir("pbmc-3k_fragments")

peaks <- read_bed("peaks.bed")

# This is fast because the peak matrix calculation is lazy.
# It will be computed on-the-fly when we actually need results from it.
peak_matrix <- peak_matrix(packed_fragments, peaks)

# Here is where the peak matrix calculation happens. Runs over 10-times
# faster than ArchR, which utilizes IRanges to perform overlap calculations.
R_matrix <- as(peak_matrix, "dgCMatrix")

Streaming operations

The lazy, stream-oriented design means that we can calculate more complicated transformations in a single pass. This is both faster and more memory-efficient than calculating several intermediate results in a sequential manner.

As an example, we will perform the following pipeline: 1. Exclude fragments from non-standard chromosomes 2. Subset our cells 3. Add a Tn5 offset 4. Calculate the peak matrix 5. Calculate the mean-accessibility per peak

If this were done using e.g. GRanges or sparse matrices, we would need to do 3 passes through the fragments while saving intermediate results, and 2 passes over the peak matrix.

With BPCell’s streaming operations, this can all be done directly from the fragments in a single pass, and the memory usage is limited to a few bytes per cell for iterating over the peak matrix and returning the colMeans.

# Here I make use of the new pipe operator |> for better readability

# We'll subset to just the standard chromosomes
standard_chr <- which(
  stringr::str_detect(chrNames(packed_fragments), "^chr[0-9XY]+$")

# Pick a random subset of 100 cells to consider
keeper_cells <- sample(cellNames(packed_fragments), 100)

# Run the pipeline, and save the average accessibility per peak
peak_accessibility <- packed_fragments |>
  select_chromosomes(standard_chr) |>
  select_cells(keeper_cells) |>
  shift_fragments(shift_start=4, shift_end=-5) |>
  peak_matrix(peaks) |>

Note that if we knew the cell names ahead of time, we could even perform this operation directly on our orignal 10x fragments without ever saving the fragments into memory. This would be fairly slow because 10x fragment files are slow to decompress, so it’s recommended to convert to the BPCells format.