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Calling peaks from a pre-set list of tiles can be much faster than using dedicated peak-calling software like macs3. The resulting peaks are less precise in terms of exact coordinates, but should be sufficient for most analyses.


  cell_groups ="all", length(cellNames(fragments))),
  effective_genome_size = NULL,
  peak_width = 200,
  peak_tiling = 3,
  fdr_cutoff = 0.01,
  merge_peaks = c("all", "group", "none")



IterableFragments object


Chromosome start and end coordinates given as GRanges, data.frame, or list. See help("genomic-ranges-like") for details on format and coordinate systems. Required attributes:

  • chr, start, end: genomic position

See read_ucsc_chrom_sizes().


Grouping vector with one entry per cell in fragments, e.g. cluster IDs


(Optional) effective genome size for poisson background rate estimation. See deeptools for values for common genomes. Defaults to sum of chromosome sizes, which overestimates peak significance


Width of candidate peaks


Number of candidate peaks overlapping each base of genome. E.g. peak_width = 300 and peak_tiling = 3 results in candidate peaks of 300bp spaced 100bp apart


Adjusted p-value significance cutoff


How to merge significant peaks with merge_peaks_iterative()

  • "all" Merge the full set of peaks

  • "group" Merge peaks within each group

  • "none" Don't perform any merging


tibble with peak calls and the following columns:

  • chr, start, end: genome coordinates

  • group: group ID that this peak was identified in

  • p_val, q_val: Poission p-value and BH-corrected p-value

  • enrichment: Enrichment of counts in this peak compared to a genome-wide background


Peak calling steps:

  1. Estimate the genome-wide expected insertions per tile based on peak_width, effective_genome_size, and per-group read counts

  2. Tile the genome with nonoverlapping tiles of size peak_width

  3. For each tile and group, calculate p_value based on a Poisson model

  4. Compute adjusted p-values using BH method and using the total number of tiles as the number of hypotheses tested.

  5. Repeat steps 2-4 peak_tiling times, with evenly spaced offsets

  6. If merge_peaks is "all" or "group": use merge_peaks_iterative() within each group to keep only the most significant of the overlapping candidate peaks

  7. If merge_peaks is "all", perform a final round of merge_peaks_iterative(), prioritizing each peak by its within-group significance rank