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Calculate ranges x cells tile overlap matrix


  mode = c("insertions", "fragments"),
  zero_based_coords = !is(ranges, "GRanges"),
  explicit_tile_names = FALSE



Input fragments object


Tiled regions given as GRanges, data.frame, or list. See help("genomic-ranges-like") for details on format and coordinate systems. Required attributes:

  • chr, start, end: genomic position

  • tile_width: Size of each tile in this region in basepairs

Must be non-overlapping and sorted by (chr, start), with chromosomes ordered according to the chromosome names of fragments


Mode for counting tile overlaps. (See "value" section for more detail)


Whether to convert the ranges from a 1-based end-inclusive coordinate system to a 0-based end-exclusive coordinate system. Defaults to true for GRanges and false for other formats (see this archived UCSC blogpost)


Boolean for whether to add rownames to the output matrix in format e.g chr1:500-1000, where start and end coords are given in a 0-based coordinate system. For whole-genome Tile matrices the names will take ~5 seconds to generate and take up 400MB of memory. Note that either way, tile names will be written when the matrix is saved.


Iterable matrix object with dimension ranges x cells. When saved, the column names will be in the format chr1:500-1000, where start and end coords are given in a 0-based coordinate system.

mode options

  • "insertions": Start and end coordinates are separately overlapped with each tile

  • "fragments": Like "insertions", but each fragment can contribute at most 1 count to each tile, even if both the start and end coordinates overlap


When calculating the matrix directly from a fragments tsv, it's necessary to first call select_chromosomes() in order to provide the ordering of chromosomes to expect while reading the tsv.